Monday, November 7, 2011

Praise God

"Forgetting what lies behind, and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus..." (Philippians 3:13&14, English Standard Version).

Forgetting the fact that none of us has ever hosted a 5K before...

Forgetting the fact that the fire department refused to help us out, saying that the race would never happen because we hadn't planned it a year in advance...

Forgetting the fact that Massachusetts was under a "winter storm warning" from the night before through the day after...

Forgetting the fact that many people have never even heard of the Route One Ministry...

We did press on. And the first annual Freedom 5K did happen. And as the sun rose on Saturday, October 29th, so did 65 people determined to add their voice to the cry against the practice of trafficking in human flesh. Although it was chilly morning (a balmy 32 degrees Fahrenheit), spirits were high and all participants seemed happy to be there!

Although many of the participants knew at least one of the team members, not all of them did. In fact, the winner of the race said he was not a Christian but found out about the race via a running website. He said he runs one race a month and bases his choice on which he considers to be the best cause. It sounds like we were the best cause.

So when all was said and done, $1200 was raised and 65 people returned to their homes possessing a greater awareness of sex trafficking and the resources for how to join in the fight against it.

65 people who can be used by God to have exponential impact on bringing light into the darkness.

..."I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward — to Jesus.
I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back...". (Philippians 3:13&14, The Message)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Freedom 5K Update

Here is where the Freedom 5k will start on Saturday October 29th:

United Methodist Church (next to Myopia Club) 
391 Bay Road
South Hamilton, MA 01982

If you have further questions, please call Bonnie Gatchell @ 978-930-3136!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Well, exciting things are happening around here:

All of a sudden, people are popping out of the woodwork and asking Bonnie to come and speak to their groups/organizations about this ministry. This past Saturday, Bonnie spoke to a crowd around 50 people about Route One and its mission!  

We continue to make plans for our Freedom 5K walk/run. Here's what you need to know:
        Saturday October 29th
        South Hamilton, MA
                 First 50 registrants receive a Freedom 5k t-shirt for FREE!
        Registration before October 21:
                 $15 for students
                 Kids 12 and under participate for FREE
       Registration after October 21:
                 $20 for students
                 Kids 12 and under participate for FREE
        Check-in @ 8
        5K starts @ 9

     Since we have not yet found which club we'll be allowed into next, Route One has been driving in teams to the clubs and praying as a team in the car in the parking lot of the clubs.  We will continue to do this for awhile, asking the Lord to work in those places.

     Route One is in the process of getting into Gift box mode for Christmas.  We are inviting area churches and Christians to participate by either donating money to purchase the items or by purchasing the listed items themselves.  We will designate a time when one of the ministry members will come to pick up the donations.  

Contact to find out how you and/or your church can participate in either or both of the two upcoming events: Freedom 5K and Christmas gift boxes

Monday, September 19, 2011


So, here is something you all need to know about:

Route One is hosting a 5k walk/run on October 29th. Registration fee will be $20 for the first 75 people who sign up and $25 for each person to sign up after that. Location and time to be announced.

Register at:

Tell everyone you know who walks or runs! Let's pack this event out in order to raise money to support the work of Route One in bringing light into the darkness of the sex industry.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Over the past few weeks Route One has been continuing to meet, pray, train, pray more as we await God's leading and an open door.

A few weeks ago 4 of the women again ventured into a new club to get a feel for the potential for ministry there. But one night was enough time to determine that this club would not be a good fit.

So we continued to meet and pray and seek and trust.

This past week one of the ministry leaders stepped out on faith again and met briefly with a club manager. She told him that she heads up a ministry which serves women in the sex industry and would his club be interested and open to the ministry bringing hot meals to the women on a weekly basis? She said this was his reaction: "He was overjoyed and couldn't believe that anyone would take an interest in these women at all." The manager told her that he'd need to check with another manager before giving a definite yes. But, thank God for a potential open door!

Needless to say, please be praying that this club will be more than receptive and open to Route One coming in to bless these women.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Prayers Needed

This past Monday we were given a flat "No" to resuming our weekly visits.  What it boils down to is that the movie and the club received bad local press which the owner and manager blame us for.  Of course, we had nothing to do with it, but who better to scapegoat than the "church ladies," right?

It's just too convenient to believe that there's not more going on here besides "coincidence."  I mean, seriously: of all the clubs in the US, let alone in Greater Boston, the ONE club in Greater Boston (as far as we know) where the light of Christ is being brought is the ONE club chosen by a famous actor to serve as the site of his new movie?

No.  There is something greater happening here, something which escapes the physical senses but I believe it has something to do with Ephesians 6:12 -

"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."

Yes, we are at war.  But we are on the winning side. 

Because of this, although we will not be returning to this club we will not lose heart: seeds have been planted and watered and we will trust that God will in fact, provide the increase.  Route One will press on & pursue open doors into other clubs in this area.  We ask for you to pray for God's leading and our open hearts to be ready to obey his leading.  That's the beauty of being the followers, right?  We don't have to know the game plan, just be ready to move when he calls the next play.

So stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This past Monday the club was closed because a movie was being filmed there. This means that all the women who work at the club were without work for a week. Please pray for the women as, no matter how we feel about the work they do, they were without their regular pay for an entire week.

We as Route One however did not waste time. We handed out flyers on previous Monday inviting the women to come hang out with us at Denny's. Two women came. It was great time of sharing. It was really great... we heard the women speak honestly of the emotional hardship in being 'dancer', dark thoughts and separation from family. It was a privileged to be able to 'eavesdrop' on their conversation as they compared notes on what it is like to be a dancer. We also were able to speak with them in their everyday life and hear more of their hearts for what they would like do if they could do anything. One woman shared her desire to graduate from high school and then attend college-another her desire to be in the PeaceCorp. Not only was the conversation good but the food was deliciously fattening as well. The women mentioned wanting to do this again, and for this we Praise the Lord.

Also, Route One is growing... we had our first official training session two weeks ago and we have doubled in size. Praise the Lord! We have a second and third training session coming up in both July and August. We will be partnering with Not for Sale Boston as we hear of sex trafficked survivors story and learning how to recognize sex trafficking in the clubs and around us. We are all volunteers and we need funding to keep moving forward, so don't forget to pray for this, for us and for the women we serve.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last night was a little slower as there was a Bruins hockey game but three women who we have built relationships with came over to chat.  There were real connections made throughout the evening as one team member was able to use her personal life and history to speak into the women current life struggles, lives and past hurts.  One woman was celebrating a birthday and this led to an opportunity for an invitation to a church picnic this next Sunday.

We also learned that we have a presence in this club because it was mentioned at least 3 times that one of the team members was missing.  (only 3 team members were present instead of the usual 4).  We asked the bouncer if he thought there was anything more the girls needed and he said, "No, just your presence."  Repeatedly the women have mentioned how they love seeing us in the club.  This is truly amazing.   Also, the week before, one of the women who works in the club - she's only 19 - emailed one of the team members right after she got off work to say she'd missed seeing her in the club that night.  She also asked to go to church with this team member.  This hasn't happened - yet - but it is a big deal for this woman to be brave and connect.

The presence of the Lord is moving - keep praying.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We've continued to see growth in our friendship-building during our time in the club:

Last week, we made the acquaintance of two new women with whom we hope to build friendships.  Both of these women enthusiastically shared about their Christian beliefs and expressed a possible desire to pop in to church on Sunday for a visit.  Each of these women were very open about their personal choices and even asked, "What would 'your church' think about that?"

This week, as we walked into the club, several customers at the bar made comments such as: "Are you 'church ladies' are here to do a Bible study?" (These and previous comments are very telling of where these men are currently with the level of respect they have for women in general, not just of the women who work in the club.)  Regardless of the comments from the customers, we enjoyed our conversations with our friends.  On the whole, they are hanging around and chatting with us for longer amounts of time every couple of weeks.

We continue to pray for God's protection for these women and that they will come to know his love for them.    


Friday, May 27, 2011

The last two weeks have been great for continuing to just develop friendships.  A couple of our friends are open to the idea of hanging out with us outside of Mondays.  We just pray that the love of Christ will continue to be evident in our interactions and activities as we continue to seek to bless their lives.

In addition, we had another one of the male customers come to our table to find out a "real" reason we are there.   Please continue to pray that we will have good answers for these men who are - at least on some level - challenged by our presence.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Light Being Seen in the Darkness

April 25, 2011

Well, coming into this week we were given the impression by the owner of the other club that he was open to letting us start coming in.  He said he’d been talking to the owner of the club we are presently in and that owner gave him a positive report about us.

Unfortunately, our fickle friend called while we were en route to our first club of this evening and said he doesn’t want us coming at all - not even to drop off gifts.

When we arrived at the club, we noticed one of the girls sitting outside - she wasn’t feeling well and was waiting for a taxi.  So Laurel asked if she wanted one of us to give her a ride home.  She gladly accepted and so she and Bonnie and I got into my car and we drove her home.  This was a blessing because we were able to chat with her and just get to know each other a little better.

Bonnie & I arrived back at the club where Rachel and Laurel had been hanging out with the other women.  Apparently 8 women came to work when usually only 4 work at a time.  Because of this, all the women had a bit of extra time on their hands & were able to come and chat and receive the homemade blondies one of the sisters from the North Point Church made.

May 2, 2011

This week we met up and assembled our gifts - Laurel had brought jersey material which she showed us how to quickly convert into really cute scarves.  When we arrived at the club, the bouncer just smiled at us and welcomed us.  We sat at our spot and ended up getting to chat with a few of the women.  The first woman who came over was the woman we drove home last week - she looked like she felt so much better this week!  She continued to chat with us and share many details about her personal life.

One of the women we usually chat with came over to waitress at our table.  She said she has now decided to only waitress and said, “no more stripping - I like having my clothes ON!”

Praise Jesus!

We also got to meet a new woman tonight.  At first when she came over, she didn’t know who we were.  So, as she was probably expecting us to be customers, she was in bubbly, business mode.  We introduced ourselves and told her we were giving out the scarves and her response was VERY skeptical at first.  She said, “Oh…how much do you want for them?”  So we explained that we aren’t selling them - we come every week to bring gifts just because we want to bless the women.  She seemed to feel a little more at ease at this point and stayed to chat with us for quite awhile, sharing some details about her own life and struggles.

At one point the manager stopped by the table and said they had a cake because it was one of the employee’s birthdays.  So we each were blessed by a piece of birthday cake!  Before we left, we made sure to leave little personalized cards on each of the scarves for each of the women we hadn’t seen that night, (including a birthday message and scarf for the bartender).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4 April 2011

We arrived at our first location and were actually greeted with smiles by bouncers and one of the girls.  She was with a customer at the bar but didn't hesitate to chat with us for a minute - even pulled out her iPhone to show us a picture of her child.

After chatting with her, we sat down at "our table."  We hadn't been sitting for too long before the waitress with whom we've established a relationship brought us glasses of water.

Now, throughout the evening, a few of the girls came and chatted for awhile, but it was a slow night.  I've chosen to share a different aspect of this particular visit with you:

A few minutes after we walked in a big burly guy came right over and sat down with us.

His rapid-fire questions came out like a machine gun:  "I just like to debate, and I think what you're doing is really great but I just gotta know why you're really here?  Why are you doing this?  Are you really from a church?  Do you look down on the girls for what they do?  What do you think of me as a 'happily married man with a beautiful wife and beautiful children' for being in a 'place like this'?"

He didn't seem to want answers right away, nor did he seem all that interested in our answers, because he then went on to give hypothetical examples of what I can assume he believes are "gray areas" of right and wrong (eg: "This has never happened, but if someone ever hurt my kids, I'd go after them.  Don't you think you'd do the same thing?  Would you think I was a bad person if I did that?")

Possessing a particular dislike of debate, I thought I'd just listen and let Laurel and Bonnie take this one...

And then 30 seconds later one of the girls came over to say hi & chat.  So Laurel & Bonnie let the man know that, while they would love to resume the conversation with him, they were going to chat with her for a little while.  He responded to them, "You don't want to talk with me at the same time as her?"

So he turned to me.

Apparently he didn't get the memo.

His barrage continued with all of his questions containing at their core, "Do you judge me?"  He even showed a couple of tattoos on his forearms and asked if I thought he was a bad person for having tattoos.

"No, I don't think having tattoos makes you a bad person - my husband has tattoos on both his arms.
My husband was also in the military.
And in war.
As for your question about whether I'd go after someone for hurting my child, I'd sure want to!  However, I believe that is not to be my response - I believe that I am to work really hard to forgive, no matter how stinkin' hard it is."

"Come on!  You're telling me you wouldn't go after a guy for hurting your kid?  Ok, you said you don't have kids: How about if some guy hurt your sister?  What would your dad do?"

"Well, again: I know what he'd want to do - and you better know that he'd want to go after anyone who hurt me or my sister.  But I know my father.  And I can tell you without a doubt that my father would work - really hard - to forgive.  Because that's what he believes God wants him to do.  Don't get me wrong, it would not be easy, and he'd sure be tempted to hurt anyone who hurt us, but I know my dad."

Now, although he was big, he wasn't threatening.  But he definitely seemed to be seeking for something.  I kept praying, "Lord, what do you want me to say?"  Then, his eyes started to get watery and he finally settled in on his real question:

"IF God exists, why is he allowing my child to be battling cancer?"

This was not hypothetical.

I'd love to be able to write that I had a brilliant answer for this man.  I didn't.  But I know that no matter what I said, it wouldn't have mattered to this man, because he's angry.  He's hurt.  I don't know this man's name.  I don't know why he's going to strip clubs.  I don't know why his son has cancer.  I don't know what has given this man such anger, or more importantly, hurt, but I do know that he is broken.

And that he had tears in his eyes.

This man needs arms wrapped around him; he needs Godly men to bolster him and say, "You are a big man, you are strong, you are capable of many things.  But your arms are tethered: you are powerless in this situation.  Let us bear the burden with you and share with you the truth about the God of the universe and our warrior-king, Jesus Christ.  Surrender your child, your sexual addiction, your anger over to Him - He will not turn his back on you."

Please pray for this man - this broken man - and his son.  Perhaps the Father will listen to the prayers of his children on the behalf of this man who admitted to believing the OT, but not the NT because, "it just doesn't make any sense."