Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Move On"

New Route One update: Over the past 3 months Route One has been blessed to deliver gifts to the largest club in Boston. We have grown as a team and know that the women who receive the gifts are very thankful. However, last night we were turned away. After being turned away I felt in my heart and heard in my head "move on" and like the disciples who were told to kick the dust off their feet we drove on north to another ...club. At this club we were welcomed with hugs and kisses. We were introduced to every one of the women by 'name'. We are going back next Monday. But our night was far from over-we had extra gifts. We stopped at yet another club, that we have been praying for over the last 9 months, we thought, "lets just be bold and drop the gifts here." It can't hurt. We did just that and there too we were welcomed in. One of the dancers made eye contact with one of the team members and said "thank you." Praise the Lord!!!!!!