Friday, May 27, 2011

The last two weeks have been great for continuing to just develop friendships.  A couple of our friends are open to the idea of hanging out with us outside of Mondays.  We just pray that the love of Christ will continue to be evident in our interactions and activities as we continue to seek to bless their lives.

In addition, we had another one of the male customers come to our table to find out a "real" reason we are there.   Please continue to pray that we will have good answers for these men who are - at least on some level - challenged by our presence.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Light Being Seen in the Darkness

April 25, 2011

Well, coming into this week we were given the impression by the owner of the other club that he was open to letting us start coming in.  He said he’d been talking to the owner of the club we are presently in and that owner gave him a positive report about us.

Unfortunately, our fickle friend called while we were en route to our first club of this evening and said he doesn’t want us coming at all - not even to drop off gifts.

When we arrived at the club, we noticed one of the girls sitting outside - she wasn’t feeling well and was waiting for a taxi.  So Laurel asked if she wanted one of us to give her a ride home.  She gladly accepted and so she and Bonnie and I got into my car and we drove her home.  This was a blessing because we were able to chat with her and just get to know each other a little better.

Bonnie & I arrived back at the club where Rachel and Laurel had been hanging out with the other women.  Apparently 8 women came to work when usually only 4 work at a time.  Because of this, all the women had a bit of extra time on their hands & were able to come and chat and receive the homemade blondies one of the sisters from the North Point Church made.

May 2, 2011

This week we met up and assembled our gifts - Laurel had brought jersey material which she showed us how to quickly convert into really cute scarves.  When we arrived at the club, the bouncer just smiled at us and welcomed us.  We sat at our spot and ended up getting to chat with a few of the women.  The first woman who came over was the woman we drove home last week - she looked like she felt so much better this week!  She continued to chat with us and share many details about her personal life.

One of the women we usually chat with came over to waitress at our table.  She said she has now decided to only waitress and said, “no more stripping - I like having my clothes ON!”

Praise Jesus!

We also got to meet a new woman tonight.  At first when she came over, she didn’t know who we were.  So, as she was probably expecting us to be customers, she was in bubbly, business mode.  We introduced ourselves and told her we were giving out the scarves and her response was VERY skeptical at first.  She said, “Oh…how much do you want for them?”  So we explained that we aren’t selling them - we come every week to bring gifts just because we want to bless the women.  She seemed to feel a little more at ease at this point and stayed to chat with us for quite awhile, sharing some details about her own life and struggles.

At one point the manager stopped by the table and said they had a cake because it was one of the employee’s birthdays.  So we each were blessed by a piece of birthday cake!  Before we left, we made sure to leave little personalized cards on each of the scarves for each of the women we hadn’t seen that night, (including a birthday message and scarf for the bartender).